Shabby Chic

Cos'è lo Shabby Chic? Se non ne avete mai sentito parlare, magari da capire, solo leggendone una definizione, può risultare un po' difficile. Ciò che posso fare io, prima di provare a trovare una definizione consona ed esaustiva da offrirvi, è dirvi che all'apparenza può sembrare solo un modo di arredare casa o ambienti vari ma che in realtà è un vero e proprio stile di vita e un modo di pensare e di vivere.

Ciò che è successo a me è stato innamorarmene a prima vista la prima volta che mi è capitato, per caso, di scoprirlo. Sembrava fatto apposta per me. Da quel momento, dunque, non l'ho più lasciato anche se, a dir la verità, mi piace sempre personalizzarlo e creare il mio "Shabby Chic", magari fondendolo con un bel po' di Country Chic...

Di seguito una definizione di questo meraviglioso stile, della quale, appena avrò un attimo, farò seguire una traduzione:

"Shabby chic is a form of  interior design where furniture and furnishings are either chosen for their appearance of age and signs of wear and tear or where new items are distressed to achieve the appearance of an antique. At the same time, a soft, opulent, yet cottage-style decor, often with a feminine feel is emphasised to differentiate it from genuine period decor.
Shabby chic items are often heavily painted through the years, with many layers showing through obviously time-worn areas. The style is imitated in faux painting using glaze or by painting then rubbing and sanding away the top coat to show the wood or base coats. Fabrics tend to be cottons and linens, with linen being particularly popular, inspired by old French linens. Whites and worn or bleached out pastels are favorite colours. Fabric is often stained with tea to give it the look of old fabric. Bleached and faded are terms often applied to the style. It is not meant for old chipped furniture.
The essence of today's shabby chic style is vintage and antique furniture with the original aged paint, or painted white (or another soft pastel color) and distressed at the corners by sanding. Antique pieces such as pie safes and jelly cupboards are popular in shabby chic décor.
Popular decor items are pillows made of vintage barkcloth fabric, vintage linens, chenille bedspreads, vintage chandeliers, and anything with roses on it. It is a soft, relaxed feminine romantic way of decorating that looks comfortable and inviting. Also called cottage style.
The style started in Great Britain and evokes the type of decoration found in large country houses where there are worn and faded old chintz sofas and curtains, old paintwork and unassuming 'good' taste. The end result of shabby chic is to achieve an elegant overall effect, as opposed to the sentimentally cute Pop-Victorian. Recycling old furniture and fabrics is an important aspect of the look and was especially popular with modern Bohemians and artisans that made up a sidelined counter-culture movement during the 1980s when expensive quality decor became very fashionable with the upper middle classes. The original shabby chic interiors were usually considered in themselves works of art.
The early forms of shabby chic were rather grand but the style has evolved taking inspiration from many forms of decoration. These range from 18th century Swedish painted decoration, the French Chateau as well as the American Shakers where simplicity and plainness was essential.
The term was coined by The World of Interiors magazine in the 1980s and became extremely popular in the US in the '90s with a certain eclectic surge of decorating styles with paints and effects, San Francisco, with heavy influences from Mediterranean cultures such as Provence, Tuscany and Greece.
Shabby chic is also a general term which can be used to refer to a person who is stylish rather than fashionable, where their style reflects quality as opposed to newness." (Wikipedia)

Non posso, a questo punto, che deliziarvi con una delle tante meravigliose immagini disponibili che cercherà do descriverlo meglio di qualsiasi altra parola...

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